Research Lab Repository
Coding and categorising user insights
Centralising and enhancing the management of user research findings and providing a comprehensive understanding of customer insights to drive data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement across the Digital Transformation team.
Greater Bank
Project management, systems thinking, service design, stakeholder research, prototyping, analysis and synthesis
Project type
Process Design and Research Operations
The Research Repository artefact was the result of addressing challenges such as uncategorised user research findings, missed opportunities, and a fragmented approach to design research. Through the development of a MVP that centralises 4 years worth of research findings, introduces structured data and reporting, enables a robust search functionality, and provides an improved understanding of customers needs, pain points and stories. By implementing the Research Repository, the expected outcomes were to enhance research management, accessibility, and searchability, enabling data-driven decision-making and fostering a customer-centric culture of continuous improvement.